Wait A Second!

Never fear citizens! I'm here to answer your questions.

For starters, why have I even started up this site, Friends On Books?

(To be read a loud in a booming 'superhero' voice:)

"To save the minds of America... one beatup paperback at a time..."

With your help, this little blog is going to save the world!

<3 The Ever Lucid Lisa

Hola! Ni Hao! Bonjour!  

Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome to Friends On Books:

Made by a youth for the youth!

Here, you will be able to check out the thoughts of other kids (just like you) on the books they love.

Finally, a place where your opinion will count!

It can't get any better than that, can it?

So, grab your favorite book and join me as we work to bring the world (or at least America) captivating adventures in a neat little literary package, one beat-up paperback at a time.

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