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Never fear citizens! I'm here to answer your questions.

For starters, why have I even started up this site, Friends On Books?

(To be read a loud in a booming 'superhero' voice:)

"To save the minds of America... one beatup paperback at a time..."

With your help, this little blog is going to save the world!

<3 The Ever Lucid Lisa


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

-Stephenie Meyer-

Just like its predecessors, the penultimate installment of the Twilight saga will leave readers counting down the days until the next book. The promises of new beginnings and "forever", easily remind many teenage girls why they once wished for their own "Edward" and why the story that started it all has met so much success. Once again, Meyer finds a way to connect with readers through the apparent (and sometimes overwhelming) emotion in her writing.


Although some may wonder, just as Bella did : It was never going to end, was it?, I would proudly count myself among the crowd that would shout right back: We don't want it to!

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