Wait A Second!

Never fear citizens! I'm here to answer your questions.

For starters, why have I even started up this site, Friends On Books?

(To be read a loud in a booming 'superhero' voice:)

"To save the minds of America... one beatup paperback at a time..."

With your help, this little blog is going to save the world!

<3 The Ever Lucid Lisa

Shades of Simon Gray  

Thursday, August 21, 2008

-Joyce McDonald-

This novel explores the intricate levels of character that make up each and every person. When the small New England town of Bellehaven is plagued by crows, five teenagers are forced to reexamine their lives and redeem the legacy of man who was killed two hundred previous. The book is fairly slow-moving, but there are several parts where the plot becomes absolutely gripping.


In the beginning, I had to force myself to comtinue reading, but it was worth it.

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