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Never fear citizens! I'm here to answer your questions.

For starters, why have I even started up this site, Friends On Books?

(To be read a loud in a booming 'superhero' voice:)

"To save the minds of America... one beatup paperback at a time..."

With your help, this little blog is going to save the world!

<3 The Ever Lucid Lisa

Of Mice and Men  

Monday, August 25, 2008

-John Steinbeck-

The problem with most people is that we judge everything in general by first impressions. I think that's why no one ever likes assigned reading. I was completely dreading having to read this book, and believe me, the first page did absolutely nothing to change my mind...

But then, I read farther into the book and this crazy thing happened: I actually liked it! Steinbeck provides an intriguing look at the battles against both the Great Depression and an even greater demise, loneliness.


I was shocked by how much I liked this book. Cannery Row might have been too "out there" for me, but I definitely recommend this classic.

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