Wait A Second!

Never fear citizens! I'm here to answer your questions.

For starters, why have I even started up this site, Friends On Books?

(To be read a loud in a booming 'superhero' voice:)

"To save the minds of America... one beatup paperback at a time..."

With your help, this little blog is going to save the world!

<3 The Ever Lucid Lisa

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows  

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

-J.K. Rowling-

The final installment of the saga that centered around "The Boy Who Lived" will leave readers more emotionally attached to Rowling's characters than ever before. This particular chapter of Harry's life is exceptionally morbid compared to previous books, but provides an excellent sense of closure for any Potter fan.


Don't miss out on this great novel!

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